LS Instruments

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2025/04 - Annual European Rheology Conference AERC 2025

Date: 14 - 17th of April

LS Instruments will be exhibiting at the 2025 Annual European Rheology Conference in Lyon, France. We invite you to visit our booth at AERC from April 14-17, 2025

Request a Meeting / Demo

The annual European Rheology Conference 2025 will be held in Lyon, France from 14-17 April 2025. We are pleased to announce the participation of our scientists, who will be on site with the DWS RheoLab optical rheometer.

Come by and learn more about the advantages of diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) and its applications in life-science, food, and personal care. A powerful tool for microrheology and the characterization of gelling processes. Gain precise insights into network formation processes without exposing the samples to forces.

The DWS RheoLab offers an interesting addition to bulk rheology and impresses with fast measurements, the measurement of higher frequencies, small sample quantities, and reusability of the samples.

Spaces are limited! Ensure your participation by reserving your spot early through our registration form below.