LS Instruments

Get in touch

2025/10 - 4th Food Chemistry Conference

Date: 14th - 16th of October

Join us for a transformative workshop at the 4th Food Structure and Functionality Symposium, where we explore into the forefront field of food rheology and microstructure characterization, with a special focus on microrheology techniques.

Workshop Registration Form 


2025/10 - 14th NIZO Dairy Conference

Date: 14th-17th of October

Join Us for an Insightful Workshop on Food Rheology at the 14th NIZO Dairy Conference!

Discover the latest advancements in food microrheology and microstructure characterization in our interactive workshop at the 14th NIZO Dairy Conference. This session will explore Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy (DWS) a passive microrheology technique, offering valuable insights into the applications for dairy and food science.

Workshop Registration Form 

2025/07 - Edible Soft Matter (ESM) conference

Date: 7th - 10th of July

We’re delighted to announce our participation in the upcoming Soft Matter & Food Science Conference on July 7-10, 2025, at the "Pôle Numérique" (PNRB) located on Beaulieu Campus.

Schedule a meeting with us.

2025/06 - The 22nd Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference

Date: 3rd - 6th of June

We are pleased to announce our participation in the 22nd Gums and Stabilizers for the Food Industry Conference, to be held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, June 3-6, 2025.

Workshop Registration Form 

2025/04 - Annual European Rheology Conference AERC 2025

Date: 14 - 17th of April

LS Instruments will be exhibiting at the 2025 Annual European Rheology Conference in Lyon, France. We invite you to visit our booth at AERC from April 14-17, 2025

Request a Meeting / Demo

2025/01 - 21st Nordic Meeting on Scattering from Soft Matter

Date: 7th - 9th of January 2025

We’re proud to sponsor the 21st Nordic Scattering from Soft Matter Meeting and invite you to attend Dr. Andrea Vaccaro's presentation on “Shape Characterization Using Dynamic & Static Light Scattering”. 

Meeting/Demo Request

2024/05 - LS Instruments Announces Distribution Agreement with DKSH in China and Japan

Date: 14.05.2024

LS Instruments AG is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with DKSH, a leading Market Expansion Services provider with a focus on Asia. Effective January 1st, 2024, this exclusive agreement grants DKSH the rights to promote and distribute LS Instruments’ cutting-edge products in China and Japan, marking a significant milestone in LS Instruments’ global expansion efforts.

2024/03 Reliable particle sizing in vaccine formulations using advanced dynamic light scattering

Date: 21.03.2024

LS Instruments is proud to announce the publication of ground-breaking research from its collaboration with Swiss global leader in contract research, development, and manufacturing (CRO/CDMO) Solvias.

2022/05 - LS Instruments direct presence in North American

Date: Fribourg, 25.05.2022

LS Instruments AG is pleased to announce the opening of a wholly-owned subsidiary in North America, LS Instruments North America LLC, located in Los Angeles.

"The north american market is important for LS Instruments and having somebody present locally to support both, product information requests but also troubleshooting and services was essential in order to improve our quality of service" confirms Dario Leumann, company CEO.

Ian Block has joined as General Manager after some years having his own and different activity. He was an LS Instruments employee. He was employeed by LS Instruments in 2009 as Scientist and became Chief Technology Officer in 2011 until 2013 when he moved back to the US.

"Having Ian joining us to lead the north american affiliate is of great value not only for us but for our customers in the US and Canada" says Dario Leumann, company CEO. "His technical/scientific skills combined with commercial and leadership is unique and we look forward to grow the market together".

Click here to contact us.

Click here to see Ian Block LinkedIn profile.

2022/02 - Capital increase for further product development

Date: Fribourg, 08.02.2022

LS Instruments AG, Fribourg (CH), announces the successful completion of an oversubscribed capital increase.

The company, which specializes in the characterization of nanoparticles, will use the money raised to finance further product developments in order to be able to provide the best solution to solve issues in the developmente of new drugs in the pharmaceutical sector, in particular vaccine, cell and gene therapy analytics.

2021/06 - New distributors in the UK & Ireland


We are pleased to announce that our network of distributors is growing around the globe. Welcome to our distributors in the UK & Ireland, Poland and Russia. To see a list of our distributors, follow our link below.

Read more

2021/04 - NanoLab 3D Demo Video

Date: April 19,2021

Watch a demo video of our NanoLab 3D and see how to perform particle sizing without the typical errors generated by standard DLS instruments! Spoiler: there is nothing to do. Just pop the sample in and get a result you can trust, in less than a minute!
To view the demo directly on our website and obtain more information about the NanoLab 3D, please follow this link.
To watch the video on our YouTube channel by clicking this link

2020/09 - Overbeek Gold Medal Winner - Prof. Peter Schurtenberger (Lund university)

Date: September 2nd, 2020

LS Instruments is beyond honored to announce that Peter Schurtenberger from Lund University, co-founder and shareholder of LS Instruments, is the recipient of the Overbeek Gold Medal for 2020.

The Medal recognizes his extended periods of scientific excellence, including inspiring contributions in the field of colloid and interface science.

Our unique light scattering technologies are direct outputs from his outstanding work.