LS Instruments

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2025/07 - Edible Soft Matter (ESM) conference

Date: 7th - 10th of July

We’re delighted to announce our participation in the upcoming Soft Matter & Food Science Conference on July 7-10, 2025, at the "Pôle Numérique" (PNRB) located on Beaulieu Campus.

Schedule a meeting with us.

We’re delighted to announce our participation in the upcoming Soft Matter & Food Science Conference on July 7-10, 2025, at the "Pôle Numérique" (PNRB) located on Beaulieu Campus.

This conference is organized by ISCR, IPR, and INRAE Bretagne-Normandie, this event brings together top researchers from academia and industry to explore the intersection of soft matter and food science - from gels and emulsions to foams and suspensions.

Join us for insightful talks, thematic sessions, and networking opportunities! See you there! 

Register for the DWS RheoLab demonstration here.